Because God set all things into motion, it's fitting to worship Him through exercise.
Before you start your workout, say this prayer:
God, as I start this warm up I thank You for the time You've allowed me to do this. I pray this workout has less to do with counting reps, keeping time, or only achieving a physiological goal. Make it about You, Lord.
As I bask in Your design, let my limbs flow in Your Spirit. Let my breaths be soul-cleansing. Let every movement honor You.
My heart beats for You.
My cells open to You.
My muscles will break down to be built up by You.
Be in my bones, for You are the Bone Builder.
Let all I do be done for You, as I lose myself in Your presence.
All glory to You. Amen.
Complete your workout with these intra-workout and post-workout prayers, and use this exercise recovery prayer for in between workouts, when you’re sore, while you’re soaking in an Epsom salt bath, on walks, during stretches, as you lie down to sleep, or on the Sabbath.
Ready to take your workouts to a deeper level? Tap to download my free resource: Worship While You Workout: A 7-Step Guide to Meaningful Workouts.

Since 2004, Tami McCandlish has worked alongside her husband coaching thousands of people in exercise and wellness.
She is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Specialist, Golf Fitness Specialist, Youth Exercise Specialist, and Fitness Nutritional Specialist, and holds a B.A. in English and Journalism from Ohio Wesleyan University.
Tami is also a writer and the author of Let the Bees Buzz: Finding Redemption in the Aftermath of School Bullying.
For more on connecting faith and fitness and for stories about the healing of broken hearts, minds, and bodies join her email list at www.tamimccandlish.com.