Tami McCandlish
Connecting Faith & Fitness
Download Worship While You Work Out: A 7-Step Guide to Meaningful Workouts

Dear Friend,
Most people's hang-up with exercise isn't physical. It's spiritual.
What would happen if we exercised our spiritual bodies as much as--or more than--our physical bodies?
I've explored this for decades and have finally organized the most powerful methods I've learned. I believe they are more impactful than any exercise tip, training program, or meal plan I could prescribe. And I'm excited to share them with you.
Whether you're just starting or have been exercising for years, whether walking or powerlifting is your thing, whether worship is foreign or familiar, I hope this guide transforms your perspective about exercise and helps you encounter God in ways you never have before.
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Worship While You Work Out: A 7-Step Guide to Meaningful Workouts