Tami McCandlish
Connecting Faith & Fitness

When people do not have the Word of God, they have no light and sit in darkness, but the entrance of God's words gives light and understanding to the simple.
(Isaiah 8:20; Psalm 119:130)
Established in 2022 to shine the light of God into dark places, Window Well Books represent founder Tami McCandlish’s works of Christian non-fiction literature.
When Tami was 18 years old, she sat on her basement stairs, doubting whether she could take one more day of life. At that moment, a beam of light shined through the window well, severing the enemy’s grip and illuminating the clearest words she had ever thought. God’s declaration over her lifted her off the stairs and into a life honoring Jesus, who said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Window Well Books is dedicated to Tami’s parents, who taught her how to love and honor God. Through Window Well Books, she carries on their legacy of faith, inspiring readers to allow God to speak life-affirming Truth into their own dark places.